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Improv Competition National Finals Registration

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Event Information

Contestant Information

Improv Competition Rules:

  • Dancers must be registered using our online system by the cutoff date and time (different for each event, will be announced closer to the actual events).
  • All dancers must report backstage at a designated time (30 minutes before competition starts).
  • All dancers should wear plain black dance attire – no logos or writing should be visible. Dancers will be given a contestant number to wear during the improv competition.
  • Age divisions Junior (12 & under) and Senior (13 & over), age is based on day of registration. Minimum age is 8 years, maximum age is 19 years.
  • There must be a minimum of 10 dancers in each age division to host the competition.
  • Each dancer will have approximately 1 minute to perform on stage by themselves. Music will be chosen at random in the genres of jazz, contemporary or lyrical.
  • All dancers will perform in the first round. A minimum of 3 dancers will be chosen from the first round to move on to the second round and perform again. Their second round will be a different genre than the first.
  • After the three finalists perform, each contestant will be given live feedback from one of the judges on their performances.
  • Prizes will be awarded to 3rd place-$25 cash, 2nd place-$50 cash, 1st place- $100 cash in each age division.

Signature Authorization

As the parent, guardian or teacher of the contestant listed above I have reviewed all rules and guidelines regarding the National Finals Improv Competition (listed above). A confirmation email will be sent to the email address listed above.

By digitally affixing my signature, I confirm that I have read and agree to all improve competition rules and guidelines and agree to hold harmless and indemnify Celebration Talent Competition LLC, its agents, directors, employees and independent contractors from any and all claims, suits, liabilities, court costs and legal fees resulting from any injury, damage and/or illness that may occur while participating in any activity related to the competition. I attest that I am an authorized agent or representative of the contestants participating in said competition and hereby authorize the use of their images and names for marketing and advertising purposes.

I further agree that I have read, understand and agree to comply with the Celebration Talent Competition LLC rules and regulations. I understand that improv fees are due immediately and are non-refundable.

Prove That You Are Human

Fees & Payment

National Finals Improv Competition Registration Fee $60

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